Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
3. With the circle still selected, select Modify > Convert to Symbol.
4. In the Convert to Symbol dialog box, type my_circle into the Name text box.
The default behavior is now Movie Clip.
5. Click OK.
A square bounding box appears around the circle. You have now created a reusable asset,
called a symbol, in your document.
6. The new symbol appears in the Library panel.
If the Library panel is not open, select Window > Library.
Animating the Circle
Now that you have some artwork in your document, you can make it more interesting by animating it
to move across the Stage.
To create an animation with the circle:
1. Drag the circle to just left of the Stage area.
The circle shape moved to the left of the Stage area
2. Click Frame 20 of Layer 1 in the Timeline.