
Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
The Remove (-) button lets you remove the current selection in the scrolling text area.
The Up and Down Arrow buttons let you move the current selection in the scrolling text
area forward or backward within the code.
The Check Syntax, Auto Format, Show Code Hint, and Debug Options buttons and
menu items normally visible in the Actions panel are disabled, as they do not apply to Script
Assist mode.
The Insert Target button is disabled unless you are editing a field. Clicking Insert Target
places the resulting code in the current edit field.
To view a description of an action, do one of the following:
Click a category in the Actions toolbox to display the actions in that category, and click an
Select a line of code in the Script pane.
The description appears at the upper left of the Actions panel, beginning with the Property or
Event name.
Change the Values of the Gradient using Script Assist
1. Click on the following line of code:
var colors:Array = [0xFF0000, 0x0000FF];
1. Change the first color value to 0xFFCC66. Don’t delete the brackets!
2. Test your movie. Control > Test Movie.