
Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
6. Select Frame 1 of Layer 1 in the Timeline.
7. In the Property inspector (its default location is at the bottom of the Flash application
window), select Motion from the Tween pop-up menu.
Selecting a motion tween in the Property inspector
An arrow appears in the Timeline in Layer 1 between Frame 1 and Frame 20.
The Timeline with an arrow indicating a motion tween
This step creates a tweened animation of the circle moving from its position in the first
keyframe in Frame 1 to its new position in the second keyframe in Frame 20.
8. In the Timeline, drag the red playhead back and forth from frame 1 to frame 20 to preview
the animation.
9. Select File > Save.
10. Select Control > Test Movie to test the FLA file.
11. Close the Test Movie window.