
Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
type a new name for the file, Flash writes a new and optimized version of the file, which results in a
smaller file size. When you select Save and Compact, Flash creates a new optimized file and
deletes the original file.
Caution When Saving
When you select Save and Compact, you cannot undo any changes you made before you saved the
file. If you select Save when working with a document, you can undo changes made prior to that
save point. Because Save and Compact deletes the earlier version of the file and replaces it with the
optimized version, you cannot undo earlier changes.
Remember to use Save As frequently and to type a new file name for your document after every
milestone in your project if you are not using version control software to create backups of your FLA
file. If you encounter major problems while working on the document, you have an earlier version to
use instead of losing everything.
There are many software packages that let users use version control with their files, which enables
teams to work efficiently and reduce errors (such as overwriting files or working on old versions of a
document). Popular version control software programs include CVS, Subversion, and SourceSafe.
As with other documents, you can use these programs to organize the Flash documents outside
Using Version Control with Projects
Version control in Flash Professional 8 lets you ensure that each author working in a project file is
always using the latest version of a file, and that multiple authors do not overwrite each other's work.
To use version-control features, you must define a site for the project. You can specify a local,
network, or FTP connection, or you can specify custom plug-ins for version control systems.
On Windows, you can use Flash projects with SourceSafe. You must have Microsoft Visual
SourceSafe Client version 6 installed.
To define a site for version control:
1. Create a new project (Window > Project) and save it as SimpleFlash.flp in the Unit 2 folder.
2. Add the SimpleFlash.fla, SimpleFlsh.swf, and SimpleFlash.html files from the Unit 2 folder.