Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
3. Select from the respective options to view the new way the panel is set up.
4. In the General section, under Project: choose the Save files on test or publish project
Using the Flash 8 Library Panel
The Library panel is where you store and organize symbols created in Flash, as well as imported
files, including bitmap graphics, sound files, and video clips. The Library panel lets you organize
library items in folders, see how often an item is used in a document, and sort items by type.
The Library panel showing a movie clip symbol
To display the Library panel, do one of the following:
Select Window > Library.
Press Control+L (Windows) or Command+L (Macintosh).
Managing media assets with the library
The library in a Flash document stores media assets that you create or import for use in a Flash
document. The library stores imported files such as video clips, sound clips, bitmaps, and imported
vector artwork as well as symbols. A symbol is a graphic, button, or movie clip that you create once
and can reuse multiple times. You can also create a font symbol. For information on symbols, see
Using Symbols, Instances, and Library Assets and Creating font symbols.
The library also contains components that you have added to your document. Components appear
in the library as compiled clips. For more information, see Components in the Library panel in Using