Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
Applying Blending Modes with ActionScript
The following procedure loads a dynamic image and lets you apply different blend modes to the
image by selecting a blending mode from a combo box on the Stage.
To apply different blending modes to an image:
1. Create a new Flash document and save it as blendmodes.fla.
2. Drag a ComboBox component instance onto the Stage and give it an instance name of
3. Add the following ActionScript to Frame 1 of the Timeline:
var blendMode_dp:Array = new Array();
blendMode_dp.push({data:"add", label:"add"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"alpha", label:"alpha"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"darken", label:"darken"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"difference", label:"difference"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"erase", label:"erase"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"hardlight", label:"hardlight"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"invert", label:"invert"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"layer", label:"layer"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"lighten", label:"lighten"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"multiply", label:"multiply"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"normal", label:"normal"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"overlay", label:"overlay"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"screen", label:"screen"});
blendMode_dp.push({data:"subtract", label:"subtract"});
blendMode_cb.dataProvider = blendMode_dp;
var mclListener:Object = new Object();
mclListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
var blendModeClip:MovieClip =
target_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("blendModeType_mc", 20);
with (blendModeClip) {
moveTo(0, 0);
lineTo(target_mc._width / 2, 0);
lineTo(target_mc._width / 2, target_mc._height);
lineTo(0, target_mc._height);
lineTo(0, 0);
target_mc._x = (Stage.width - target_mc._width) / 2;
target_mc._y = (Stage.height - target_mc._height) / 2;
blendModeClip.blendMode = blendMode_cb.value;
this.createEmptyMovieClip("img_mc", 10);
var img_mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
function cbListener(eventObj:Object):Void {
img_mc.blendModeType_mc.blendMode = eventObj.target.value;
blendMode_cb.addEventListener("change", cbListener);