
Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
The Library panel displays a scroll list with the names of all items in the library, which lets you view
and organize these elements as you work. An icon next to an item's name in the Library panel
indicates the item's file type. The Library panel has an options menu with commands for managing
library items.
You can open the library of any Flash document while you are working in Flash, to make the library
items from that file available for the current document.
You can create permanent libraries in your Flash application that is available whenever you start
Flash. Flash also includes several sample libraries containing buttons, graphics, movie clips, and
sounds that you can add to your Flash documents. The sample Flash libraries and permanent
libraries that you create are listed in the Window > Common Libraries submenu. For more
information, see Working with common libraries.
You can export library assets as a SWF file to a URL to create a runtime-shared library. This lets
you link to the library assets from Flash documents that import symbols using runtime sharing. For
more information, see Using shared library assets.
Single Library panel
You can now use a single Library panel to view the library items of multiple Flash files
simultaneously. You can switch back and forth as you edit multiple files.
View the Single Library Function:
1. Select File > New, and make a blank Flash Docment.
2. Save the file as Test.fla in the Unit 3 folder.