Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
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This makes the component the same size as the Stage and centers it on the Stage.
The Property inspector with the proper values entered
5. With the new component still selected on the Stage, select Window > Component Inspector
to open the Component inspector.
6. In the Component inspector's Parameters tab, click the contentPath parameter.
7. Click the magnifying glass icon that appears next to it.
8. In the Content Path dialog box, enter cafe_townsend_chef.flv and click OK.
9. Still in the Component inspector, set the autoRewind parameter to false.
10. Save your work.
11. To test your document, select Control >Test Movie.
The document plays in the Test Movie window. You can control the playback of the video file
with the controls at the bottom of the Stage.
Publish your document
The next step is to publish your FLA file as a SWF file that can be displayed in a web browser.
To publish your Flash document:
1. Select File > Publish.