
Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
Creating the Mobile Application
This section contains step-by-step procedures that show you how to recreate the cafe application.
The tutorial is divided into three parts:
y Selecting your test devices and content types. In this section, you'll configure your Flash
document's publish settings, document settings, and device settings.
y Creating the menu for the application's main screen. From this screen, the user can select
from a simple menu to view images and descriptions of the day's specials, or to call the
restaurant to make a reservation.
y Creating the specials screen. On this screen, users can press the device's Left soft key to
navigate between images and descriptions for each lunch special at the cafe, or press the
Right soft key to return to the main screen.
Selecting Your Test Devices and Content Type
In this section, you select the test devices and content type for the application. For this application
you'll target the family of Symbian Series 60 devices from Nokia that support the stand-alone version
of Flash Lite 1.1.
You use the Device Settings dialog box to select the device(s) and content type that you are
targeting. When you test your application in the Flash Lite emulator, the emulator configures itself to
match the configuration of the player on the target device as well as the content type.
To select your application's test devices and content type:
1. Open the partially completed source file named cafe_tutorial_start.fla located in the Unit_8
2. In the Property inspector, click the Device Settings button to open the Device Settings
dialog box.
3. Select Standalone Player from the Content Type pop-up menu.
4. In the list of available devices, double-click the Symbian folder to expand it, double-click the
Series 60 folder, and then double-click the Nokia folder.
5. With the Nokia folder selected, click Add to add all the Nokia Series 60 devices to your list of
test devices.
6. When you test your application in the emulator, you'll be able to test your application against
any of your test devices for the selected content type.