Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
Applying a Blend Mode
You use the Property inspector for movie clips to apply blends to selected movie clips.
Multiple graphic symbols are merged as a single shape when you publish the SWF. For this reason,
you cannot apply different blend modes to different graphic symbols.
To apply a blend mode to a movie clip:
1. Create a new Document and save it as blend_test.fla. Draw a red square and convert it to a
movie clip. Draw a blue circle beside the red square and convert it to a movie clip.
2. Select the blue circle movie clip instance.
3. Adjust the color and transparency of the movie clip instance using the Color pop-up menu in
the Property inspector.
4. Select a blend mode from the Blend pop-up menu in the Property inspector for movie clips.
The blend mode is applied to the selected movie clip instance.
5. Position the movie clip with the blend mode over the graphic symbol whose appearance you
want to modify.
6. Verify that the blend mode you selected is appropriate to the effect you're trying to achieve.
You might need to experiment with both the color and transparency settings of the movie clip
and the different blend modes to achieve the effect you want.