
Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
Current Color Swatch displays the currently selected color. If you select a gradient fill type (Linear
or Radial) from the fill Type pop-up menu, the Current Color Swatch displays the color transitions
within the gradient you create.
Color Picker lets you select a color visually. Click the Color Picker and drag the cross-hair pointer
around until you find the color you want.
Hexadecimal value displays the current color's hexadecimal value. To change the color using the
hexadecimal value, type in a new value. Hexadecimal color values (also called hex values) are 6-
digit alphanumeric combinations that represent a color.
Brand New in Flash 8
Now you can apply up to 16 colors!
Overflow lets you control colors applied past the limits of a linear or radial gradient. The overflow
modes are extend (the default mode), reflect, and repeat.
Extend applies the colors you specify past the end of the gradient.
Reflect causes the gradient colors to fill the shape using a reflective mirroring effect. The
gradients you specify are repeated in a pattern of from the beginning of the gradient to the
end, and then repeated in the opposite sequence from the end of the gradient to the
beginning, and then back to the beginning of the gradient to the end until the selected shape
is filled.
Repeat repeats the gradient from the beginning of the gradient to the end until the selected
shape is filled.
Linear RGB creates an SVG-compliant (Scalable Vector Graphics) linear or radial gradient.