Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
There are five gradients in the illustration:
• A gradient from black to green on the background.
• A gradient from black to green to black on the bottom of the eight ball.
• Another from white to black in the highlight on the top of the eight ball.
• A subtle gradient on the white circle surrounding the number "8."
• A radial gradient in the shadow beneath the eight ball.
Close the completed FLA file
Open the starter document
Now that you have seen the completed file, it is time to create your own Flash document. To get
started, you'll open a starter file that contains a few graphics to which you will apply gradients.
1. In Flash, select File > Open.
2. Navigate to the following directory:
o In Windows: Unit_4 folder/Gradients/gradients_start.fla
3. Open the gradients_start.fla file.
Apply a linear gradient
In this section you will add a linear gradient to the background.
1. Click the Selection tool in the Tools panel.
2. Select the gray box in the layer named Background.
3. Select Window > Color Mixer to display the Color Mixer panel.
4. In the Color Mixer's Type pop-up menu, select Linear.
5. Double-click the right gradient color swatch and select the color green (#006600).