Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
Working with the Property Inspector
The Property inspector simplifies document creation by making it easy to access the most commonly
used attributes of the current selection, either on the Stage or in the Timeline. You can make
changes to the object or document attributes in the Property inspector without accessing the menus
or panels that also control these attributes.
Depending on what is currently selected, the Property inspector displays information and settings for
the current document, text, symbol, shape, bitmap, video, group, frame, or tool. When two or more
different types of objects are selected, the Property inspector displays the total number of objects
Open a Sample File and View the Property Inspector:
1. In Flash, select File > Open.
2. Use one of the following paths to browse to the completed file:
o In Windows, browse to Unit_3\ AnimationandGradients\ double-click
Test the movie. Control > Test Movie. You can see some of the blends and easing
animation techniques that we will learn later.
3. After viewing the application, close the Flash Player window.
4. Click on the black ball on the Stage area. This is the 8ball movie clip
5. At the bottom of the Flash 8 interface locate the Property Inspector:
The Property inspector showing the properties for the MovieClip – 8ball.