Printers Supported
1. EPSON 85 dot matrix or compatible (most dot matrix printers support this format).
2. HP Laser Jet or equivalent (many laser printers support this format).
For printers that are not compatible with the above printers, select the FILE printer port option in printer setup. This
will send the report to an ASCII print file.
This section describes the installation procedure for the DOS DataView interrogator program.
Installation From MS-- DOS Prompt
This installation procedure will copy the DataView Program to a hard --disk. Approx. 1.5MB of files will be copied.
The data view package contains two diskettes. disc part number 12--00413--05 loads software for use with
reciprocating compressor units. Disc 12--00528--00 loads software for use with scroll compressor units. Both
software programs may be loaded on the same computer except different resident directories must be created.
Each DOS DataView program comes on a single 3.5--inch diskette. To begin installation insert the diskette into drive
A:\ or drive B:\. Depending on the drive the diskette is loaded in, at the MS--DOS system prompt type A:\install or
B:\install and press the enter key. The installation program will take the user through the following steps:
a) The startup screen is displayed. Press enter to continue.
b) The product selection screen is displayed. Select which DOS DataView product to i nstall DataView onto: a PC,
Hewlett Packard (HP) Palmtopor penbasedcomputer.Usetheup/down arrowkeys tohighlight theproduct, andthe
space bar select the product, and press enter to continue.
If loading scroll software on the same computer as reciprocating software t he destination directory must be
changed. Suggested change is C:\SCROLLDV. If the destination directory is not changed, installation of new
reciprocating software will overwrite the scroll software.
c) The destination directory selection screen is displayed. Enter the directory the DataView program will reside in and
press enter. The default directory is “C:\DATAVIEW.” If this directory does not exist on the PC, the installation
program will automatically create the directory.
d) To preserve the previous sensor configuration file, sensors.cnf, the file is copied to sensors.sav.
e) To preserve the previous program configuration file, ml2.cnf, the file is copied to ml2.sav.
f) The custom.cnf, *.DCX, and *.PRN files will not be delete and will remain in the directory.
g) The previous version of t he DataView program will be deleted prior to installing t he new program.
h) All of the files are downloaded to the directory defined in step c. As the files are downloaded to the computer, a
progress bar is displayed to indicate the amount of files successfully downloaded. The following files will reside in
the directory defined in step c.
Main Program
RPTVIEW.EXE Report Generator Program
PRNTFILE.EXE Print Report Program
COREMON.EXE Micro-Link 2/2i Monitor Program
CTD2.EXE Micro-Link 1 Program
DataReader Program -- not included with the HP Palmtop or
Pen--Based computer.
HELP.DAT Help data file
CONTHELP.DAT Controller Monitor Help data file
CGA.BGI Graphics driver
EGAVGA.BGI Graphics driver
ML2.CNF Program configuration file
MODELS2.CNF Model controller configuration file
SENSORS.CNF Sensor configuration file