Recorder Sensors
This displays the active sensors connected to the recorder. It also displays the sample type and sample size
configuration for each sensor. The following screen is displayed when this option is chosen.
The following is a summary of the options available in Recorder Sensors Configuration.
<R> Recorder Sensors -- Allows the user to select one or all of the sensors for the recorder configuration.
<T> Sample Type -- Allows the user to select how the sensor data will be logged; averaged or snapshot. The average
accumulates the sensor values received once per minute over the recorder interval period and logs the average value at
that interval. The snapshot takes the sensor value received at the recorder interval and logs the value at that interval.
<Z> Sample Size -- Allows the user to select how the sensor data will be logged; low or normal resolution. The l ow
resolution allows the user to select a 1 byte thermistor sensor value. Low resolution utilizes less memory than normal
resolution, however temperature values will be less accurate. The normal resolution allows the user to select a 2 byte
thermistor sensor value. Normal resolution is the recommended sample size for all temperature sensors.
<L> Alarm -- Allows the user to select how the alarm will be handled for a sensor. This feature is only available for
USDA and Cargo probe sensors.
<A> Accept -- Allows theuser to acceptthe changes made. Thesevalues will be stored in temporarymemory until they
are sent to the recorder from the Recorder Configuration screen.
<H> Help -- Displays the help screen.
<ESC> Cancel -- Cancels the recorder sensors change and returns the user to the Recorder Generic Configuration