3-13 62-02575-07
Control Parameters
The following screen is displayed for the user to view and modify the current settings of the controller user selectable
The following is a summary of the options available in Controller Parameters.
<D> Defrost Interval -- Allows the user to view and modify the automatic defrost interval.
<U> Units -- Allows the user to view and modify the t emperature units which are used when displaying controller
temperature sensors.
<M> Shutdown Mode -- Allows the user to view and modify how the refrigeration unit will shutdown.
<R> In-Range Band -- Allows the user to view and modify the in-range band width of the control temperature sensor.
<C> Current Limit -- Allows the user to view and modify the refrigeration unit’s current limit setting.
<T> Stagger Start -- Allows the user to view and modify the stagger start time of the refrigeration unit.
<S> Send -- Allows the user to send the parameter changes t o the controller. Upon completion the DataView program
informs the user that the parameters have been successfully sent.
<H> Help -- Displays the help screen.
<ESC> Cancel -- Cancels all settings and returns the user to the System Tools Screen.
Compressor Hour Meter
This feature allows the user to view the compressor run time.
This will allow the user to select the controller configuration required by a particular model or to customize a models
configuration. For further information, refer to TOPIC 11.