Describes how tocalibratethe probe sensors. Probe calibrationallows theuser to calibratetheprobe sensors using two
different methods; external and internal. The following screen is displayed when this option is chosen.
The following is a summary of the options available in Probe Calibration.
<P> Select Probes -- Allows the user to select which probes to calibrate. Only used for external and internal probe
<C> Calibration Types -- Allows the user to select the calibration method. Only one probe calibration method can be
1. External -- Upon selecting this option t he External Probe Calibration popup is displayed. In this calibration mode,
the user simply enters a newcalibrationoffset value for each probe selected. It is completely theuser’s responsibil-
ity to enter the offset values correctly. A valid offset value is within the temperature range of --2.00_C to 2.00_C.
2. Internal -- Upon selectingthis optionthe Internal ProbeCalibration popup isdisplayed. In thiscalibration mode,the
user must placethe probes to be calibratedinto ani ce bath. Theuserthen enters thebath temperaturetocalibrate the
probes. A valid bath temperature value is within the range of --1.00_C to 1.00_C.
3. Automatic -- This is a special case of the Internal calibration in which the probe offsets will be calculated using a
non--changeable water bath temperature of 0.0_C.
<S> Send -- Sends the probe calibration to the recorder. Upon completion the DataView program informs the user that
the probe calibration was successfully sent to the recorder.
<H> Help -- Displays the help screen.
<ESC> Cancel -- Cancels the probe calibration and returns the user to the System Tools Screen.