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Generic Configuration
The Recorder Generic Configuration allows the user to view and modify the current recorder configuration. The
Recorder Generic Configuration screen shows all of the sensors installed to a unit and whether they are configured to
be recorded.It allows theuser tomodify therecording interval, recordersensors,and controllersensors. The following
screen is displayed when t his option is chosen.
The following is a summary of the options available in Recorder Generic Configuration.
<I> Recording Interval -- Allows the user to change the recording interval time 15 / 30 / 60 / 120 minutes.
<T> Standard Configuration -- Allows the user to select a standard recorder configuration.
<R> Recorder Sensors -- Allows the user to directly activate the recording of a sensor directly connected to the
Recorder. For further information, refer to the Recorder Sensors description below.
<C> Controller Sensors -- Allows the userto directly activate therecording of a sensor connected tothe Controller.For
further information, refer to the Controller Sensors description below.
Recorder Sensors -- Displays the configured recorder sensors.
Controller Sensors -- Displays the configured controller sensors.
<S> Send -- Sendsthenew recorderconfigurationto the recorder. Uponcompletion the DataViewprogram informs the
user that the configuration was successfully sent to the recorder.
<H> Help -- Displays the help screen.
<ESC> Cancel -- Cancels the generic configuration and returns the user to the Recorder Configuration Screen.