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This section describes the features available from the main menu. The following screen will be displayed when the
program starts up.
The following is a summary of the options available to the user:
<I> Interrogate -- This will allow the user to extract the data from t he Recorder. The available interrogation methods
are: By Trip, By Date, Last 30 Days, and All Data.
<D> DataReader -- This will allow t he user to transfer copied data from the DataReader to the computer, erase files
from the DataReader, or upload Data Set files to the DataReader.
<T> System Tools -- This will allow the user to change the operation of the Controller or Recorder. Users can change:
the Controller set point; user selectable functions such as defrost interval; view the compressor hour meter; configure
the controller for a specific temperature unit; change recorder Time and Date, recording Configuration, and Probe
Calibration; enter Trip Starts and Comments. Users can also monitor the operation of the controller input/output
functions, enter the ISO Trip Header.
<S> Program Setup -- This will allow the user to setup a Printer, a Communication port, and a Working Directory. In
program setup the user can also change the Screen Display, Temperature Units, and enable the Function Keys.
<V> View Data -- This will allow the user to view the data in a numerical format or to filter the data and display it in a
graphical and t abular form. Users can also select and edit new sensor configurations, name the new sensor
configuration, and save each configuration in a file.
<P> Print Data -- This will allow the user to print reports of numerical and formatted data with or without graphics, to a
printer or to a file. Users can also select and edit new sensor configurations, name the new sensor configuration, and
save each configuration in a file.
<H> Help -- Displays to the help screen.
<X> Exit -- Exits the program and returns the user t o t he DOS prompt.