This section describes the features available to configure the sensors.
This allows a user t o configure the sensors which will be used to view and print the interrogated data. The following
screen is displayed when t his option is chosen.
The following is a summary of the options available in Sensor Configuration.
<F> DCX File Sensors -- This displays the available sensors found in the DCX file.
<C> Configurations -- This displays the sensor configurations.
Selected Sensors -- This displays the sensors configured for the selected sensor configuration.
<N> New -- Thisallowsthe user to createanewsensor configuration. Up to six(6) sensors maybeincludedin the same
configuration. The user creates a sensor configuration from the sensors available in the DCX file and then saves it into
sensors.cnf file. All new sensor configurations must be given a name. The user should give each new configuration a
name that describes the configuration. Configuration names may be up to 8 characters long, consist of numbers and
letters, but no spaces.
<D> Delete -- This allows the user to delete the currently selected sensor configuration.
<A> Accept -- This allows the user to accept the currently selected sensor configuration to view or print the
interrogated data.
<H> Help -- Displays the help screen.
<ESC> Cancel -- Cancels the sensor configuration and returns the user to the View Data Screen. If Sensor
Configuration is started from the Print Data screen, the user is returned to the Print Data screen.