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Throughout the program two major types of menus are used:
1. Check boxes allow the selection of all menu items that apply and look like this:
[] Graph
[X] Tabular Data
[ ] Raw Events
2. Radio buttons allow the selection of only one item and look like this:
(*) Metric Units
( ) Standard Units
To select or deselect an item in either of these two menu’s, use the UP and DOWNarrow keys to highlight theselection
and press <ENTER> t o select.
The raw file conversion feature, C:\DATAVIEW\DATAVIEW --CONVERT, converts a RAW formatted file to a DCX
formatted file. A DCX formatted file can be viewed and/or printed using the DataView program. The Raw File
Conversion process is the same process used when the DataView program interrogates a data recorder and produces a
DCX formatted file.
The Raw File Conversion screen will be displayed when the DataView program is started with the convert argument.
The following is a summary of the options available to the user:
<D> Directories -- Provides the user with the ability to change the current and working directories. The following
describes the directories;
1. <C> Current -- The current directory is the location of the RAW files. The RAW files will have the file extension,
“.RAW”, but it is not required. This feature allows the user to view and/or change the current directory.
2. <W> Working -- The working directory is the location where the DCX files will be stored. These files contain t he
interrogated recorder data. This feature allows the user to view and/or change the working directory.
<F> Files -- Allows the user to list the files within the selected directory (i.e., current or working). The file menu box
allows the user to scan through the files available by pressing the up arrow,down arrow, page up, and page down keys.
If no files are found, the “NO FILES FOUND” message is displayed.