
A valid sensor data value is displayed as a numeric value. An out of range sensor data value is displayed as
“OUTRNG.” A sensor data value which has been turned off is displayed as “OFF.”
Alarm numbers are not shown next to the alarm events (i.e., AL, dAL, CA_AL) when viewing sensor data. To
refer to the alarm numbers view event or raw data.
Event Data
The event data for each day is displayed as follows:
1. Date
2. Setpoint for the day.
3. Time and event 1 which occurred.
4. Time and event 2 which occurred.
5. Time and event n which occurred.
Summary Data
The summary data displays a report for the specified date range. The report contains the following information:
1. Alarm Summary
Controller Alarms -- displays each controller alarm activated, the date and time first activated, and the
date and time last activated.
Recorder Alarms -- displays each recorder alarm activated, the date and time first activated, and the
date and time last activated.
Controlled Atmosphere Alarms -- displays each CA alarm activated, the date and time first activated,
and the date and time last activated.
2. Pretrip Summary
Date and time activated
Pretrip test run
3. USDA Summary
Date and time activated
USDA event activated
Raw Data
The raw data file is divided into the following parts:
Header: The header contains the following information;
1. Container ID
2. Date of Interrogation
3. Start Date of data interrogated
4. End Date of data interrogated
5. Temperature Units
Configuration: The configuration header contains the following information;
1. Recorder Serial number
2. Recorder Software Revision level
3. Controller Serial number
4. Controller Software Revision level
5. Bill of Lading #
6. Point of Origin
7. Origin Date