Standard Configuration
This feature will allow the user to select a standard recorder configuration, set the alarms, set the sample type for the
recorder sensors, set the sample size for the recorder sensors, and set the sample type for the controller sensors. The
following screen is displayed when this option is chosen.
The following is a summary of the options available in Standard Configuration.
<S> Standard Configuration -- Allows the user to select the configuration. When a configuration is selected with a
USDA and/or Cargo probe sensors, the Recorder Sensor Alarm Configuration Screen is displayed.
<T> Sample Type -- Allows the user to select the sample t ype for t he recorder sensors. The ”2--Averaged, 3--USDA”
sets the Supply Air and Return Air to an averaged value. And the USDA 1, USDA 2, and USDA 3 to a snapshot value.
<Z> Sample Size -- Allows the user t o select the sample size for the recorder sensors.
<Y> Sample Type -- Allows the user to select the sample type for t he controller sensors.
<A> Accept -- Allows theuser to acceptthe changes made. Thesevalues will be stored in temporarymemory until they
are sent to the recorder from the Recorder Configuration screen.
<H> Help -- Displays the help screen.
<ESC> Cancel -- Cancels the standard configuration and returns the user to the Recorder Configuration Screen.