
Custom Controller Configuration
Allows theuser tochange theselectable configurationvariables andsave those values into anewconfiguration model.
The following screen is displayed when this option is chosen.
The following is a summary of the options available in Custom Controller Configuration.
<D> Dehumidification -- Allows the user to configure or not configure the controller with a dehumidification device.
<I> Defrost Interval Save -- Allows the user to save or not save the defrost interval.
<V> Advance Pre--trip -- Allows the user to set the advanced pre--trip test to AUTO 1 (i.e., NO) or AUTO 2 (i.e., YES).
<T> Suction Temperature Sensor -- Allows the user to configure or not configure the controller with a suction
temperature sensor.
<M> Economy Mode -- Allows the user to set the custom economy mode.
<A> Arctic Mode -- Allows the user to enable/disable the arctic mode.
<B> Bulb Mode -- Allows the user to enable/disable t he bulb mode.
<C> DischargePressure Sensor -- Allows theuserto configureor not configurethe controllerwitha dischargepressure
sensor. This is an Micro-Link 2i Controller variable only.
<P> Probe Check Logic -- Allows the user to set the probe check logic to standard or special. This is an Micro-Link 2i
Controller variable only.
<F> SnapFreeze -- Allowstheuser to enable/disablethe snapfreeze.This is anMicro-Link 2iController variableonly.
<U> Suction Pressure Sensor -- Allows the user to configure or not configure the controller with a s uction pressure
sensor. This is an Micro-Link 2i Controller variable only.
<G> Degree C Lockup -- Allows the user to configure or not configure the controller with degree C lockout. This is an
Micro-Link 2i Controller variable only.
<S> Save -- Allows the user to save the configuration variable values. Upon pressing the ā€œSā€ key, the user is allowed to
enter up to 14 characters for the custom configuration name. Upon accepting the new name, the configuration is saved
in the custom.cnf file. The new name will be displayed in the available configurations on the controller configuration