The Controller Configuration allows the user to view and modify the current controller configuration. The current
model configuration, the selectable configuration variables, and the fixed configuration variables are listed. The user
can select another model configuration and modify the selectable configuration variables. The following screen is
displayed when this option is chosen.
The following is a summary of the options available in Controller Configuration.
<G> Configuration Available -- This lists the models available for the controller.
Selectable Configuration Variables -- This will list the selectable configuration variables for the currently selected
configuration model.
<F> Fixed Configuration Variables -- This will display a screen with the fixed configuration variables.
<C> Custom -- This will allow the user to change the selectable configuration variables.
<S> Send -- Sends the new controller configuration to the controller. Upon completion the DataView program informs
the user that the configuration was successfully sent to the recorder.
<H> Help -- Displays the help screen.
<ESC> Cancel -- Cancels the new controller configuration and returns the user to the System Tools Screen.