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Describes t he features available t o view the interrogated data. This allows the user to Display any data file (*.dcx)
stored in the current working directory. A *.dcx data file is the interrogation file for one specific recorder for a single
interrogation operation. The name of the file is the 6 digits of the container I D, with two letters added t o uniquely
define the file. For example, the container unit CTDU1234565 when interrogated would create the interrogation file
name, 123456AA.DCX. The following screen is displayed when this option is chosen.
The following is a summary of the options available in View Data.
<F> Select File -- This allows the user to view the current interrogation file or to choose any data file available in the
current working directory.
<D> Date Range -- This allows the user to input a Date Range for the data that is to be viewed.
<V> View -- This allows the user to specify how the data is to be Viewed. This can be either Sensor data graphic form,
sensor data tabular form, sensor data tabular form without the event acronym message, event data, summary data,
and/or raw data.
<S> Sensors -- This allows the user to choose a specific sensor configuration. The user can also choose New
configuration to create a new configuration with desired sensors and then save it into t he sensors.cnf f ile. The
Available Configurations Menu will be updated to include the new configuration. Several configurations can be
created and then saved in the sensors.cnf file for later usage. For a full description of the Printer Setup selections and
illustrations of the applicable screens, refer to TOPIC 20.
<A> Axis -- This automatically scales the X and Y axis on the Graph that is to be viewed.
<G> Go -- This starts the processing of the file into the report format selected. Once the processing is complete, the file
will be displayed on the screen.
<H> Help -- Displays the help screen.
<ESC> Close -- Closes the window and returns the user to the Main Menu Screen. If View Data is started within the
Interrogation Screen, the user is returned to the Interrogation Screen.