203Creating and administering disk groups
Reorganizing the contents of disk groups
Moving objects between disk groups
To move a self-contained set of VxVM objects from an imported source disk
group to an imported target disk group, use the following command:
# vxdg [-o expand] [-o override|verify] move sourcedg targetdg \
object ...
The -o expand option ensures that the objects that are actually moved include
all other disks containing subdisks that are associated with the specified objects
or with objects that they contain.
The default behavior of
vxdg when moving licensed disks in an EMC array is to
perform an EMC disk compatibility check for each disk involved in the move. If
the compatibility checks succeed, the move takes place.
vxdg then checks again
to ensure that the configuration has not changed since it performed the
compatibility check. If the configuration has changed,
vxdg attempts to perform
the entire move again.
The -o override option enables the move to take place without any EMC
The -o verify option returns the access names of the disks that would be moved
but does not perform the move.
Note: The -o override and -o verify options require a valid EMC license.
See “Moving objects between disk groups” on page 424 for information on how
to move objects between disk groups in a cluster.