A/P-C 126
A/PF 126
A/PF-C 126
A/PG 126
A/PG-C 126
Active/Active 126
Active/Passive 125
adding disks to DISKS category 87
adding vendor-supplied support package 84
Asymmetric Active/Active 126
defined 21
excluding support for 86
listing excluded 86
listing supported 85
listing supported disks in DISKS category 87
multipathed 22
re-including support for 86
removing disks from DISKS category 89
removing vendor-supplied support package 84
disk drives
variable geometry 515
disk duplexing 42, 255
disk groups
activating shared 425
activation in clusters 403
adding disks to 171
avoiding conflicting minor numbers on
import 187
boot disk group 167
bootdg 167
checking for non-imported 452
checking initialized disks 452
checking number of configuration copies
in 452
checking on disk config size 451
checking size of configuration database 451
checking version number 451
clearing locks on disks 186
cluster-shareable 401
compatible with CDS 171
configuration backup and restoration 213
configuring site consistency on 435
configuring site-based allocation on 434
converting to private 424
creating 170
creating shared 422
creating with old version number 212
default disk group 167
defaultdg 167
defaults file for shared 403
defined 28
deporting 173
designating as shareable 401
destroying 208
determining the default disk group 168
disabling 207
displaying boot disk group 168
displaying default disk group 168
displaying free space in 170
displaying information about 169
displaying version of 211
effect of size on private region 166
elimination of rootdg 165
failure policy 407
features supported by version 210
forcing import of 187
free space in 384
impact of number of configuration copies on
performance 473
importing 174
importing as shared 423
importing forcibly 423
importing with cloned disks 176
joining 197, 206
joining in clusters 424
layout of DCO plexes 200
limitations of move, split, and join 199
listing objects affected by a move 200
listing shared 421
making site consistent 439
moving between systems 185
moving disks between 184, 203
moving licensed EMC disks between 203
moving objects between 196, 203
moving objects in clusters 424
names reserved by system 167
nodg 167
number of spare disks 454
private in clusters 401
recovering destroyed 208
recovery from failed reconfiguration 198
removing disks from 172
renaming 183
reorganizing 195
reserving minor numbers 187
restarting moved volumes 204, 205, 207
root 28
rootdg 28, 165