300 Administering volumes
Converting between layered and non-layered volumes
inserts a delay of 1000 milliseconds (1 second) between copying each 10-
megabyte region:
# vxrelayout -g mydg -o bg,slow=1000,iosize=10m start vol04
The default delay and region size values are 250 milliseconds and 1 megabyte
To reverse the direction of relayout operation that is currently stopped, specify
reverse keyword to vxrelayout as shown in this example:
# vxrelayout -g mydg -o bg reverse vol04
This undoes changes made to the volume so far, and returns it to its original
If you cancel a relayout using vxtask abort, the direction of the conversion is
also reversed, and the volume is returned to its original configuration.
See the vxrelayout(1M) and vxtask(1M) manual pages for more information
about these commands. See “Managing tasks with vxtask” on page 268 for more
information about controlling tasks in VxVM.
Converting between layered and non-layered
The vxassist convert command transforms volume layouts between layered
and non-layered forms:
# vxassist [-b] [-g diskgroup] convert volume [layout=layout] \
Note: If specified, the -b option makes conversion of the volume a background
The following conversion layouts are supported:
stripe-mirror mirrored-stripe to striped-mirror
mirror-stripe striped-mirror to mirrored-stripe
concat-mirror mirrored-concatenated to concatenated-mirror
mirror-concat concatenated-mirror to mirrored-concatenated
Volume conversion can be used before or after performing online relayout to
achieve a larger number of transformations than would otherwise be possible.
During relayout process, a volume may also be converted into a layout that is
intermediate to the one that is desired. For example, to convert a volume from a
4-column mirrored-stripe to a 5-column mirrored-stripe, first use
relayout to convert the volume to a 5-column striped-mirror as shown here:
# vxassist -g mydg relayout vol1 ncol=5