239Creating volumes
Using vxassist
3 Associate plexes with the volume using vxmake vol; see “Creating a volume
using vxmake” on page 258.
4 Initialize the volume using vxvol start or vxvol init zero; see “Initializing
and starting a volume created using vxmake” on page 261.
See “Creating a volume using a vxmake description file” on page 259 for an
example of how you can combine steps 1 through 3 using a volume description
file with
See “Creating a volume using vxmake” on page 258 for an example of how to
perform steps 2 and 3 to create a RAID-5 volume.
Assisted approach
The assisted approach takes information about what you want to accomplish
and then performs the necessary underlying tasks. This approach requires only
minimal input from you, but also permits more detailed specifications.
Assisted operations are performed primarily through the
vxassist command or
the Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA).
vxassist and the VEA create the
required plexes and subdisks using only the basic attributes of the desired
volume as input. Additionally, they can modify existing volumes while
automatically modifying any underlying or associated objects.
vxassist and the VEA use default values for many volume attributes,
unless you provide specific values. They do not require you to have a thorough
understanding of low-level VxVM concepts, vxassist and the VEA do not
conflict with other VxVM commands or preclude their use. Objects created by
vxassist and the VEA are compatible and inter-operable with objects created
by other VxVM commands and interfaces.
For more information about the VEA, see the Veritas Enterprise Administrator
User’s Guide and VEA online help.
Using vxassist
You can use the vxassist utility to create and modify volumes. Specify the basic
requirements for volume creation or modification, and vxassist performs the
necessary tasks.
The advantages of using vxassist rather than the advanced approach include:
■ Most actions require that you enter only one command rather than several.
■ You are required to specify only minimal information to vxassist. If
necessary, you can specify additional parameters to modify or control its