426 Administering cluster functionality
Administering VxVM in cluster environments
Setting the disk group failure policy on a shared disk group
Note: The disk group failure policy for a shared disk group can only be set on the
master node.
vxdg command may be used to set either the dgdisable or leave failure
policy for a shared disk group:
# vxdg -g diskgroup set dgfailpolicy=dgdisable|leave
The default failure policy is dgdisable.
See “Disk group failure policy” on page 407.
Creating volumes with exclusive open access by a node
Note: All shared volumes, including those with exclusive open access, can only
be created on the master node.
When using the
vxassist command to create a volume, you can use the
exclusive=on attribute to specify that the volume may only be opened by one
node in the cluster at a time. For example, to create the mirrored volume
volmir in the disk group dskgrp, and configure it for exclusive open, use the
following command:
# vxassist -g dskgrp make volmir 5g layout=mirror exclusive=on
Multiple opens by the same node are also supported. Any attempts by other
nodes to open the volume fail until the final close of the volume by the node that
opened it.
exclusive=off instead means that more than one node in a cluster
can open a volume simultaneously. This is the default behavior.
Setting exclusive open access to a volume by a node
Note: Exclusive open access on a volume can only be set on the master node.
Ensure that none of the nodes in the cluster have the volume open when setting
this attribute.
You can set the
exclusive=on attribute with the vxvol command to specify that
an existing volume may only be opened by one node in the cluster at a time.
For example, to set exclusive open on the volume volmir in the disk group
dskgrp, use the following command:
# vxvol -g dskgrp set exclusive=on volmir