474 Performance monitoring and tuning
Tuning VxVM
To set the number of configuration copies for a new disk group, use the nconfig
operand with the
vxdg init command (see the vxdg(1M) manual page for
You can also change the number of copies for an existing group by using the
vxedit set command (see the vxedit(1M) manual page). For example, to
configure five configuration copies for the disk group, bigdg, use the following
# vxedit set nconfig=5 bigdg
Changing the values of tunables
Tunables are modified by using the System Management Homepage (SMH) or
kctune utility. Changed tunables take effect only after relinking the kernel
and booting the system from the new kernel.
The values of system tunables can be examined or changed in SMH by selecting
Home > System Configuration > Kernel Configuration > Tunables.
Most DMP tunables may be set online (without requiring a reboot) by using the
vxdmpadm command as shown here:
# vxdmpadm settune dmp_tunable=value
The values of these tunables can be displayed by using this command:
# vxdmpadm gettune [dmp_tunable]
The vxdmpadm command also allows you to configure how DMP responds to I/O
errors at the level of the paths to individual arrays. See “Administering DMP
using vxdmpadm” on page 139 for details.