Creating and
administering subdisks
This chapter describes how to create and maintain subdisks. Subdisks are the
low-level building blocks in a Veritas Volume Mananger (VxVM) configuration
that are required to create plexes and volumes.
Note: Most VxVM commands require superuser or equivalent privileges.
Creating subdisks
Note: Subdisks are created automatically if you use the vxassist command or
the Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA) to create volumes. For more
information, see “Creating a volume” on page 238.
Use the
vxmake command to create VxVM objects, such as subdisks:
# vxmake [-g diskgroup] sd subdisk diskname,offset,length
where: subdisk is the name of the subdisk, diskname is the disk name, offset is
the starting point (offset) of the subdisk within the disk, and length is the length
of the subdisk.
For example, to create a subdisk named mydg02-01 in the disk group, mydg,
that starts at the beginning of disk mydg02 and has a length of 8000 sectors, use
the following command:
# vxmake -g mydg sd mydg02-01 mydg02,0,8000