374 Configuring off-host processing
Implementing off-host processing solutions
# vxsnap -g snapvoldg reattach snapvol source=vol \
For example, to reattach the snapshot volumes svol1, svol2 and svol3:
# vxsnap -g sdg reattach svol1 \
source=vol1 sourcedg=dbasedg \
svol2 source=vol2 sourcedg=dbasedg \
svol3 source=vol3 sourcedg=dbasedg
You can use the vxsnap snapwait command to wait for synchronization of
the linked snapshot volume to complete:
# vxsnap -g volumedg snapwait volume mirvol=snapvol
Repeat step 5 through step 15 each time that you need to back up the volume.
Implementing decision support
This section describes a procedure for implementing off-host decision support
for a volume in a private disk group. The intention is to present an outline of
how to set up a replica database. It is beyond the scope of this guide to describe
how to configure a database to use this procedure, or how to perform the
decision support processing itself.
To set up a replica database using the table files that are configured within a
volume in a private disk group
1 Use the following command on the primary host to see if the volume is
associated with a version 20 data change object (DCO) and DCO volume that
allow instant snapshots and Persistent FastResync to be used with the
# vxprint -g volumedg -F%instant volume
This command returns on if the volume can be used for instant snapshot
operations; otherwise, it returns off.
Note: If the volume was created under VxVM 4.0 or a later release, and it is
not associated with a new-style DCO object and DCO volume, follow the
procedure described in “Preparing a volume for DRL and instant snapshots”
on page 275.
If the volume was created before release 4.0 of VxVM, and has any attached
snapshot plexes, or is associated with any snapshot volumes, follow the
procedure given in “Upgrading existing volumes to use version 20 DCOs” on
page 279.
2 Use the following command on the primary host to check whether
FastResync is enabled on a volume:
# vxprint -g volumedg -F%fastresync volume