
100 Administering disks
Adding a disk to VxVM
A site tag is usually applied to disk arrays or enclosures, and is not required
unless you want to use the Remote Mirror feature. If you enter y to choose
to add a site tag, you are prompted to the site name at step 11.
10 To continue with the operation, enter y (or press Return) at the following
The selected disks will be added to the disk group
disk group name with default disk names.
list of device names
Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) y
11 If you chose to tag the disks with a site in step 9, you are now prompted to
enter the site name that should be applied to the disks in each enclosure:
The following disk(s):
list of device names
belong to enclosure(s):
list of enclosure names
Enter site tag for disks on enclosure enclosure_name
[<name>,q,?] site_name
12 If one or more disks already contains a file system, vxdiskadm asks if you
are sure that want to destroy it. Enter y to confirm this:
The following disk device appears to contain a currently
unmounted file system.
list of device names
Are you sure you want to destroy these file systems
[y,n,q,?] (default: n) y
asks you to confirm that the devices are to be reinitialized before
Reinitialize these devices? [y,n,q,?] (default: n) y
VxVM INFO V-5-2-205 Initializing device device name.
13 You can now choose whether the disk is to be formatted as a CDS disk that is
portable between different operating systems, or as a non-portable
hpdisk-format disk:
Enter the desired format [cdsdisk,hpdisk,q,?]
(default: cdsdisk)
Enter the format that is appropriate for your needs. In most cases, this is
the default format, cdsdisk.
14 At the following prompt,
vxdiskadm asks if you want to use the default
private region size of 32768 blocks (32MB). Press Return to confirm that you
want to use the default value, or enter a different value. (The maximum
value that you can specify is 524288 blocks.)
Enter desired private region length [<privlen>,q,?]
(default: 32768)