
273Administering volumes
Removing a mirror
You can choose to mirror volumes from disk mydg02 onto any
available disk space, or you can choose to mirror onto a
specific disk. To mirror to a specific disk, select the name of
that disk. To mirror to any available disk space, select
Enter destination disk [<disk>,list,q,?] (default: any) mydg01
5 At the following prompt, press Return to make the mirror:
The requested operation is to mirror all volumes on disk
mydg02 in disk group mydg onto available disk space on disk
VxVM NOTICE V-5-2-229 This operation can take a long time to
Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
The vxdiskadm program displays the status of the mirroring operation, as
VxVM vxmirror INFO V-5-2-22 Mirror volume voltest-bk00 ...
VxVM INFO V-5-2-674 Mirroring of disk mydg01 is complete.
6 At the following prompt, indicate whether you want to mirror volumes on
another disk (y) or return to the vxdiskadm main menu (n):
Mirror volumes on another disk? [y,n,q,?] (default: n)
Removing a mirror
When a mirror is no longer needed, you can remove it to free up disk space.
Note: The last valid plex associated with a volume cannot be removed.
To remove a mirror from a volume, use the following command:
# vxassist [-g diskgroup] remove mirror volume
Additionally, you can use storage attributes to specify the storage to be
removed. For example, to remove a mirror on disk mydg01 from volume vol01,
# vxassist -g mydg remove mirror vol01 !mydg01
For more information about storage attributes, see “Creating a volume on
specific disks” on page 244.
Alternatively, use the following command to dissociate and remove a mirror
from a volume:
# vxplex [-g diskgroup] -o rm dis plex
For example, to dissociate and remove a mirror named vol01-02 from the disk
group, mydg, use the following command:
# vxplex -g mydg -o rm dis vol01-02