Chapter 5 - Monitoring an On Going Conference
Conference User
Defined 1-3
There are 3 User Defined fields that enable you to
enter general information for the conference, such as
the company name, the contact person name, the
contact person’s E-mail or telephone number, or any
required information.
The User Defined fields are displayed only if the
Show User Defined Fields in Conference
Parameters box is selected in the Database
Manager -> Defaults ->User Defined Defaults.
Remarks Using up to 300 characters, you can enter any text
regarding the conference and click Update. This text
is included with the conference properties and it is
also saved to the CDR file as part of the conference
record to be retrieved later.
Remarks History Previous remarks/notes entered by the operator or
other operators can be read during the On Going
conference or during the reservation stage.
Previous remarks/notes written for the conference
are shown in the Remarks History box.
Table 5-11:
Conference Additional Information Properties
Option Description