Chapter 7 - Conference Types
Operator Assisted Conference
An Operator Assisted conference is a service designed usually for large
conferences that require the personal touch. In many attended conferences,
the name and the telephone numbers of each dial-out participant are given to
the operator at the time the reservation is made. Using the enhanced tools for
attended participant conferences, the operator or coordinator assembles the
conference call, making sure all invited participants are on hand, then see to it
that the conference proceeds according to plan. Usually, the operator dials out
to connect participants and greet the participants when connected. However,
the names and numbers of the dial-out participants can also be defined by the
meeting organizer via the WebCommander application (through the
WebCommander site).
In Audio Only and Video conferences with VoicePlus capabilities, the
Operator can assist dial-in participants upon their connection to the Entry
Queue or IVR-enabled conference; by greeting the participants and guiding
them to the appropriate conference, or by helping them enter the conference if
they have failed to enter the required information (password).
Once the conference has begun, Operator assistance continues to be available
upon request, by telephone keypad or other DTMF input device (e.g. remote
control). During an On Going conference, the Operator can also manage
Question-and-Answer and voting sessions, connect and disconnect
participants, mute/unmute participants, start a lecturing session, place the
conference on hold and lock/unlock the conference to dial-in participants.
However, an On Going conference can also be managed by participants or by
the Chairperson without the Operator’s assistance. Actions that can be
performed by the participants or the Chairperson, are defined in the IVR
Service that is assigned to that conference. This type of configuration requires
the installation of the Audio+ card in the MCU.
Participants Queue
In the Participants Queue, the system lists those participants who require the
Operator’s assistance or are on hold - in all conferences, regardless of the
conference they belong to. The Participants Queue is mainly intended for
Attended conferences. Using special toolbars, command buttons and options
provided in the MCG Manager Participants Queue window, the Operator can
easily move the listed participants from the Participants Queue to their
destination (On Going) conference.