Chapter 4 - New Meeting Window
Table 4-2 details the information that is displayed:
To resolve participant conflicts:
1. Select the check box(es) of the requested participant(s) you would like to
keep in the conference currently being scheduled.
2. Clear the check box(es) of the requested participant(s) you would like to
exclude from conference currently being scheduled.
3. Click one of the two buttons to resolve the conflict(s):
• Schedule Selected and non-conflicting -The system ignores the
perceived conflicts for the selected requested participants and
creates the reservation
• Cancel Scheduling - Cancels the current conference definition
Table 4-2: Duplicate Booking options
Field/Option Description
Lists the names of conflicting participants requested to join
the conference currently being created.
Lists the names of participants already scheduled in
previously created conferences whose criteria match those
of the newly requested participant.
Phone/IP Lists the phone numbers or IP addresses of requested and
reserved participants.
Alias Lists the aliases of requested and reserved participants.
Indicates the participants connection type: dial-in or dial-
Lists the names of the conferences in which each
participant is defined.
Start Time Date and start time of each conference.
End Time Date and termination time of each conference.
MCU The name of the MCU running the conference.