Chapter 9 - Conference Templates – Partial View Mode
The Conference Properties – Video Layout window opens.
The video layout determines the number of video windows displayed on
the endpoints screen, their arrangement and who they see on in each
window. The selection of a video layout for the conference is applicable
to Continuous Presence conferences. The visual effects, such as the
background color, video layout borders and speaker notations can be
implemented only if a Video+ card is installed on the MCU.
8. Select the appropriate Video Layout.
a. Determine the number of windows to appear on the screen by
clicking the arrow next to the numbered layout icon; a pop up menu
opens displaying the available layouts for the selected number of
windows. Table 9-3 provides an overview of the available layouts
for each Continuous Presence mode.
Table 9-3: Continuous Presence Layout Options
CP Video
Layouts View
Quad Views