MGC WebCommander User’s Guide
4. Click the Meet Me Per Conf tab.
Entry Tone Select this option to enable the Entry Tone. This tone
is played when a participant connects to the
conference and is heard by all the conference
participants currently connected to the conference (but
not by the connecting participant). The tone is
embedded in the MCU software.
If the Roll Call is enabled for the conference, the
participant name (recorded upon his/her entry to the
conference) is played instead of the Entry Tone.
End Time Alert
Tone n Min
Select this option to enable the end of conference
reminder tone. This tone is played once, to all the
connected participants, n minutes before the end of
the conference. The tone is embedded in the MCU
If Auto Extend (automatic extension of the conference)
is enabled for the MCU in the “confer.cfg”, selecting
this option also enables the automatic extension of
conference duration for this conference.
Exit Tone Select this option to enable the Exit Tone. This tone is
heard by all the connected participants when a
participant disconnects from the conference. The tone
is embedded in the MCU software.
If the Roll Call is enabled for the conference, the Exit
Tone is replaced with the recorded participant name.
Table 10-15: Audio Only–Advanced Conference Options
Option Description
This tab appears only if the Meet Me Per Conf option is selected in the
General tab or when defining a Meeting Room.