MGC WebCommander User’s Guide
Participant Connection to the Conference
Conference participants can call the conference (dial-in) or can be called by
the system (dial-out) at the conference start or during the On Going
conference. The method in which participants connect to the conference
influences the definition of the conference and the required caller
A conference can include only dial-in participants, only dial-out participants
or both dial-in and dial-out participants.
Dial-out Participants
In a conference that includes only dial-out participants, each participant may
be called individually by the meeting organizer (or the operator) and
connected directly to the conference. Alternatively, an automatic dial-out
mode (blast dial-out) can be performed by the system. In this mode, the
system calls all the participants and connects them to the conference. In the
manual or automatic mode, the meeting organizer/operator defines the
participant parameters - mainly his/her name and telephone number. Usually,
dial-out participants connect directly to the conference.
Dial-In Participants
In a conference that includes dial-in participants, the participants may be
defined in advance and they are identified by their Calling Line Identifier
(CLI) number once they connect to the conference. The conference can
include “anonymous”, undefined participants. These participants were not
defined by the operator/meeting organizer prior to the conference start and are
connected to the conference if they have dialed the conference dial-in number
and have entered the appropriate password (if one was assigned to the
conference). Conferences that include “undefined” dial-in participants must
be defined as Standard Meet Me Per Conference or Meeting Room.