MGC WebCommander User’s Guide
dial-in number is the MCU number defined in the Network Service. If no
number is defined for the MCU in the Network Service, the system
allocates the first free number in the dial-in numbers range defined in the
Network Service. The Network Service is defined in the MGC Manager
application. For more information, refer to the MGC Administrator’s
Guide, Chapter 3.
9. To manually enter the phone numbers for the conference, define the
following parameters, as described in Table 10-6.
If the conference includes T1-CAS Audio Only participants and the
MCU is configured to allow T1-CAS participants in video conferences,
you can manually allocate the dial-in number for the T1-CAS
10. If the Video Session is set to Continuous Presence, click the Video
Layout tab to select the appropriate video layout.
Table 10-6: Meet Me Per Conference Phone Numbers
Option Description
Service Name Type the name of the Network Service (to be used by
the participants to connect to the conference) exactly
as it is defined in the Network Service (the system is
case sensitive).
Phone 1 Enter the first number to be assigned to the
Phone 2 Enter the second number to be assigned to the
conference. This number is optional.
This window does not appear when defining an Audio Only conference or when
the conference is configured to Audio Look & Feel mode.