Chapter 10 - Conference Templates – Full Parameters View
Allow undefined
Select this check box to allow undefined participants
to connect to the conference without prior settings of
the participant parameters. In such a case,
participants will be able to connect to the conference
until the maximum number of participants in a
conference is exceeded, or the MCU resources are
This option is automatically selected when the Meet
Me per Conf or Entry Queue access options are
selected in the General tab.
Min number of
Define the total number of participants for which the
system reserve resources. This number should
include the defined participants as well as undefined
participants. For example, if the conference includes
two defined participants (dial-in or dial-out) and you
want the system to reserve resources for three
additional undefined participants, enter 5 in the Min
Participants box.
If you enter 0, no resources will be reserved for the
conference. However, participants will be able to
connect to the conference if there are available
Define the total number of participants for which the
system reserve resources. This number should
include the defined participants as well as undefined
participants. For example, if the conference includes
two defined participants (dial-in or dial-out) and you
want the system to reserve resources for three
additional undefined participants, enter 5 in the Min
Participants box.
If you enter 0, no resources will be reserved for the
conference. However, participants will be able to
connect to the conference if there are available
Table 10-15: Audio Only–Advanced Conference Options
Option Description