MGC WebCommander User’s Guide
To define the properties of an H.323 Video or SIP Audio Participant:
1. Define the connection parameters in Participant Properties - Basic tab as
described in Table 11-4.
Table 11-4: Basic connection parameters for H.323 Audio-Only ISDN/H.323
Option Description
Connection Select the appropriate connection type from the
drop-down list.
You can set up conference dialing according to the
following connection types:
• Dial-in - the participant phones the MCU at
conference time. You inform the participant of
the MCU’s phone number. When selecting this
option, the Meet Me Per options are enabled.
• Dial-out - the MCU calls the participant at
conference time. You must enter the participant’s
phone number in the Party Phones area when
defining the participant.
If the Dial-Out Manually option in the Conference
Properties-Advanced window is cleared, the MCU
automatically calls the participant at conference
time. If this option is selected, the operator calls the
participant at the conference time.
IP Address In a dial-out connection, the participant address is
called by the MCU. You can define both the IP
address and Alias, or just one of them. For desktop
endpoints, enter the IP address of the PC to which
the endpoint is connected.
In a dial-in connection, the MCU IP address and/or
Alias are entered. The address is used to identify
and route the participant to the appropriate
Signaling Port This field is set to 1720, and cannot be modified.