Chapter 5 - Monitoring an On Going Conference
Conference Icons and Indications
Various icons and ToolTips are used to indicate the conference and participant
status, enabling you to concentrate on those participants that require your help
in connecting or disconnecting to/from the conference.
Toolbar Buttons and Icons
The toolbar at the top of the Meeting Director window for a video conference
contains the following buttons and icons:
Table 5-1 describes the buttons and icons.
When an option is active the relevant button appears selected.
Table 5-1: IVR-enabled conference toolbar options
New Participant - Define a new participant and add the
participant to the conference.
Add Participant - Add participants to the conference
from the Participant templates database.
Lock/Unlock Conference - Indicates whether the
conference is locked or unlocked. When locked, dial-in
participants cannot connect to the conference.
When this button is clicked, the conference status toggles
between Lock and Unlock and the icon changes
On Hold - Places the conference on hold. Clicking this
button again reinstates the conference. When the icon is
displayed pressed indicates that the conference is On
This is applicable only to conferences running on an
Audio+ card.