MGC WebCommander User’s Guide
4. To define the properties of an ISDN, ATM, MPI or H.323 video
participant, select the appropriate Network interface in the Interface Type
field, as follows:
— Select ISDN if the participant connects via ISDN lines.
— Select ATM if the participant is using the ATM network.
— Select MPI if the participant connects via RS-449, EIA-530 or V.35.
Select H323 and SIP if the participant is connected via LAN.
You can define the parameters for both ISDN and LAN connections by
selecting the appropriate interface type each time. The system will save
the parameters defined for each interface type. Table 11-2 describes the
connection parameters for an ISDN/ATM/MPI participant.
— If you are defining an Audio Only participant you can select the T1-
CAS Network. This option is available for defined dial-out
participants. Dial-in T1-CAS participants can only connect to the
conference as undefined participants.
E-mail Enter the E-mail address of the participant if you
want to send him/her an E-mail message when
setting up an On Going conference or scheduling a
conference Reservation. The E-mail message
includes conference start date and time and the dial-
in number, if required. For more information, see
Chapter 4, “Sending an E-mail to Conference
Participants” on page 4-14.
Table 11-1: Connection parameters for all participants
Option Description
SIP participants require the IP+ card series, hardware version 4.24 or above.
The Participant Properties - Basic and Advanced options change according to
the selected Interface Type. ISDN, ATM and MPI participants are defined in the
same way, and therefore are described in the same table.