Chapter 5 - Monitoring an On Going Conference
Request DTMF Help Menu
A participant in an On Going conference can request a playback of the list
of all available operation and their assigned DTMF codes that can be
performed during an On Going conference.
The IVR Message Service can be configured to play the list of operations
and their respective DTMF Codes to participants requesting it. The
playback can be initiated by participants or the chairperson any time
during the conference by pressing the appropriate DTMF code. The
playback can be stopped anytime. This help menu is recorded by the
conference provider as a voice massage and is configured as any other
voice message in the system.
Participants accessing conferences have different permissions chairperson
or ordinary and different states resulting in 4 possible types of Help
• Participant menu – for ordinary participants
• Chairperson menu - for the chairperson
• Voting menu – for the participant controlling the voting session
• Invite menu – for the participant requesting invitees to the conference
(during an invite session)