MGC WebCommander User’s Guide
To conclude the voting session:
• In the Voting window, click the Stop Voting button in the Voting window.
Alternatively, click the Stop Voting button on the toolbar.
To cancel the voting session:
• In the Voti ng window, click the Cancel Voting button.
Show Results as a
percentage with
reference to
Select this check box to display the results in
percentage. If checked, select one of the following
Voters Only - displays the percentage of
participants that have voted for each choice out of
the total number of voters.
All Participants - displays the percentage of
participants that have voted for each of choice out of
the total number of connected participants.
Show Results as
Number of Votes
Select this check box to display the number of votes
cast for each choice.
Detailed Results Click this button to display textual representation of
the voting results in a text file.
This button is enabled only after the Stop Voting
button has been clicked.
Table 5-15: Voting results pane
Field Description