MGC Manager User’s Guide - VoicePlus Edition
If required, modify the following parameters:
— mute the participant by checking the Mute (By Operator) button.
4. To view the MCU resources used to handle the participant, click the
Resource Details tab.
Attending The participant or operator status in a conference with
an assigned IVR Service.
• Oper Participant – This option is checked when
viewing the operator parameters.
• Attending – This option is checked when the
participant is in a Attended state.
Attending State
The status of the Attended participant:
• Attended – The participant is being assisted by
the operator (in an Operator Conference)
• On Hold – The participant was placed on hold and
hears background music.
Mute (By
When checked, indicates that the participant's audio
channel was muted by the operator.
Mute (By
When checked, indicates that the audio channel was
muted by the participant.
Mute (By MCU) When checked, indicates that the participant’s audio
channel was automatically muted by the MCU upon
connection to the conference or when the Exclusive
Speaker mode was enabled.
Note: This option is activated when the Mute
Incoming Parties option is checked in the Conference
Properties - Settings dialog box.
Table 3-10: ISDN Participant Properties - Connection Info2 (Continued)
Field/Option Description